Run #524 – Koh Larn

Jungle Hash Aug 17 Koh Larn excursion Scribe Report
Hares: Wild Wolf, Blow Lewinsky, Seal Sucker with Beverly Hills in absentia
Scribe: Diaper Sniper
Wild Wolf led the circle as GM was lost somewhere in China. WW promised to give everyone a chance on the ice and he kept his promise.
First up: on ice: Eating Monster DFL on ice for meditating on top of the mountain.
Mini Mouse and her Mommie (virgin) on the ice…given name Pinky in perhaps the fastest naming ever. And Happy Survivor.
Gang bang song and Pinky christened.
Returning hashers: Shit head hash superstar who likes to tell jokes..all of them bad..provide superior examples such as a dirty joke: “I fell in the mud”
Visiting hashers: riding the ice: Pee Pee..missed the boat, because of rain called on his BS
Austin Powers: Royal South Side Hong Kong..took a bit of a bath from WW.
Kilt Lifter brought some virgins.
On ice; Blow Lewinsky for bringing two virgins who wore BL hash shirts for run but regular shirts in circle. Song: Meet the virgins
Hares on the ice: She’s the Boss took over circle. Car Licker in for Beverly Hill and asked to provide background on why he was missing.
Opinions on run:
3 runs… one short, one medium and one hell run over the mountain.
Bull Ringer ”hard but good run.” Bubbles: “ jealous he didn’t do hard run” Kilt Lifter, Ging Gang Goolie all liked the run. Eating monster liked the mediating on top of mountain but complained because there was no food court up there. Shit Head complained no good, too hot, too steep..welcome to Thailand. Mark the virgin said it was a good walk. Fatus Maximus said horrible and last time he will do it. Clit the Clown like it.
Song: And the Hares
More ice time: Kilt Lifter for bringing 3 virgins…one who turned out was not. Blow Lewinsky because he is a red head, Eating Monster, Dragonfly no hash shirts. Shit head “danced”
Clit the Clown on ice: Where are the dogs? Jackal on ice because his name sounds like a dog..246 runs so gets to wear his hash hat in the circle. Car Licker on ice for smiling.
Fatus Maximus on a glacier crashing into the sea. Makes me cum. Bubbles in the bucket because doesn’t know hash songs.
Diaper Sniper and She’s the Boss on ice just because.. STB wins some body wash for know about anniversary of Elvis demise.
Happy Survivor rode the ice and won a huge dildo..many humorous comparisons were enjoyed.
Song: Lady of the Manor
On ice: Pee Pee won a dark beer but hashing 4 years and knows no songs.
YMCA in the bucket just because.
Austin Powers, Sexy Butterfly and Muff Designer on the ice.
Bull Ringer and Yorkshire Pudding elder hash statesmen today..Happy birthday for Antique who will be 80.
Blow Lewinsky guilty of corruption as he “award” his virgin a hash vest for knowing his name.
Dragonfly allergic to water and Bubbles helped to cure her…not appreciated.
Hash graciously paid for the baht buses back to the pier.
On ice: Ging Gang Goolie, Flying Dick Fat Fucker, Twinkle Dick and Jackal
She’s the Boss on ice as committee member who had to take responsibility for the rain.
Final songs: Singing in the Rain and final hash song
On-On Diaper Sniper