Jungle Trail Laying: Guidance for the Hares

Guidance for the Hares
- Details of your run, including written directions and the GPS Co-ordinates of your A site should be given to the Webmaster at least 14 days prior to the run.
- NOTE:Upcoming Run page has been revised and failure to supply the directions and GPS Co-ordinates will result in no directions or map on the Upcoming Run page.
- At a bare minimum you mustsupply at least one of these items.
- Once the schedule is fixed, you are strongly advised not to change it.
- The Hareline is planned on a voluntary basis. However, your run date may be changed by a week or two due to unavoidable clashes with other hashes. For further information please see the GM or the Hare Raiser. If you cannot lay your Run on the allotted date, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements or swap your Run with someone else and inform the GM and the Hare Raiser.
- Members who wish to make a Joint Run, should inform the GM and seek Mismanagement approval.
- Shredded paper, Spray Paint and HHH Signs are available and the Hare Raiser will help you sort out supplies. If you borrow signs, please ensure they are returned to the owner, to help the next hare.
- Hares should check the A-sites for future hash runs for all the Pattaya Hash chapters. Please coordinate with other hares if you see a possible conflict with your choice of A-site.
- It is NOT the Hares responsibility to organise the circle food, other arrangements have been made. You do however have to provide snacks for consumption immediately after the run to the value of 400₿ which will be reimbursed of production of a receipt.
Jungle Trail Laying Details
- The hanging of minimal amounts of paper strips, instead of copious amounts of shredded paper, helps in the cleaning up, if someone wants to lay a run in your area in the not too distant future.
- Another alternative is to use a mix of hanging and shredded paper, but only enough to mark the trail and ensure you do not lose anyone. When using hanging paper, please do not staple it to the trunks of trees, fold it over a branch or wrap it around some tall grass and then staple only the paper.
- Also please avoid crossing through crop fields, if there is no other alternative, go along the edge of the field, NOT THROUGH IT.
- When setting the run remember this is a family friendly hash and some of our members are not as young or as fit as you, so try to make a walker’s trail that is not part of an endurance test, walk lengths of 4-6km are not a problem as long as the trail is not life threatening!
- Keep a note of how long it is to the Walkers/Runners split as this information will confirm folks are on the right trail.