Run #520 – Fattus Maximus, Arse Bandit, Kilt Lifter
Thank you to Cannonball for being the Beer Wench.
Hares on the ice! Arse Bandit, Kilt Lifter, and Fattus Maximus (virgin hare) put on a fabulous trail run …. even though everyone ran the trail backwards …. and even though the walkers went on an accidental 9 km trail hike adventure. Opinions ranged from “I loved it – paid up for a 3km walk and got a 9km walk instead!” (Sunshine) to “I was on paper the whole way – old paper, new paper, trash paper, ALL paper!” (Beverly Hills Pink Cock). Absolutely F*kn Clueless exclaimed “I found the Runners/Walkers split quite easily … 7km into the trail”. It was a gorgeous day for a run and walk and everyone made it back. Thank you to the hares for a successful (and memorable) hash!
Hash Crashes – Bubbles was caught off guard when, according to him, the roots came out of the ground and with incredibly villainous intent, caught him up and made him crash. Eating Monster was a victim of her own good intentions; her hash crash happened because she was herding the many virgins on today’s hash back to safety and ended up face first in the dirt. Kilt Lifter, in his excitement to experience his own trail as many times as possible, had his crash the day before the actual hash.
Raffle – here were the lucky bastards that went home with Jungle loot. Thank you to Burl Ives (Hash Raffle) for purchasing the winnings and to Kilt Lifter who donated prizes.
Ging Gang Goolies – Clan Fraser Scotch Whiskey
The Nigerian – Vodka / Steering Wheel Cover (donated by Kilt Lifter)
Bubbles – Japanese whiskey
Lazslo Covach – Brandy
Flying Dick – Song Sam
Eating Monster – Shampoo
Limp Dick – bag (donated by Kilt Lifter)
4. Get a Life, Get a Life, Get a Life, Life, Life …..
Happy Survivor got her 100 run patch.
Limp Dick got his 25 run patch
GI Joe got a personalized 450 run patch – WOW!
5. Happy Survivor outdid herself today and brought in SEVEN virgins! Ploy, Da, Moxy Souphin, Alyona Checnokova, Anna Gryzlova, Euguen Katzuba, Slavak Kazarinov
6. There were a lot of Bangkok Hashers that made the trek to Pattaya. We’re always happy to see them! The Nigerian, Do Me Sue Me, Hand Cream, Anal Compulsion, Drinks Like a Girl
7. Hashy Birthday to Arse Bandit who will celebrate being born in between this hash and the next!