Today’s hash was too funny for words. Here are some of the super hilarious highlights.
- Hash Crash – Gay GB crashed and crashed HARD on this hash. To prove it, he got on the ice and painfully showed the papercut he got on his middle finger. As everyone sang him the down down song, he continued to show everyone his finger.
- Hares – thank you to the hares who got everyone lost …… or rather led everyone on a navigating adventure …. depends on who you ask. GI Joe said, “it was the best run I’ve done today!”. Bevery Hills Pink Cock complained that “it was uphill both ways”. Bubbles happily reported that it was an “awesome trail”. When asked who got lost, literally everyone put their hand up. But everyone made it back to the beer so today’s hash was another winner!
- Congratulations to all our raffle winners: Bubbles (whiskey) / Flying Dick Truck Fucker (whiskey) / Mountain Flower (cookies) / Happy Survivor (Sang Som)
- Lost Tech on Trail – people weren’t the only thing lost on trail. Shit Caroline, once AGAIN, lost his phone while navigating the Pattaya jungle trails. Fortunately, a Thai motorcyclist picked it up and passed to one of the hashers who passed it to the GM. Lucky bastard!
- Congratulations to Miss Use Me for getting her 150 run patch …. after getting her 100 run patch last week …. As well, we have Dragon, Car Licker, and Shit Caroline who go their 25 Run patches.
- Thank you to those who stepped up when the GM recklessly abandoned the hash to prance around Europe for the month of July. Fleece Lifter was acting GM, Burl Ives supported the website, and Mountain Flower drove her truck to take the chairs and hash equipment to the hash.
- In perhaps the most BIZARRE turn of events, we had a situation of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Herring Chocker”. Herring Chocker, in an effort to trick Seal Sucker, ran to the back check and then hid in the tapioca to wait for Seal Sucker to also get to the back check. Unfortuantely, Herring Chocker is a giant and he chose to hide behind to thin sticks of tapioca, making him visible to the entire hash who was wondering why he was squatting in the field like that. Needless to say, Seal Sucker did not take the bait BUT he did trick GI Joe and Boring Wanker into following him and then running past him when he “disappeared”.
On On!