Memo from the GM:
Thanks, everyone, for coming out for another great day with the Jungle. The hares set a challenging trail. We welcomed back some returning hashers and some for their first time at a Jungle run. Thanks to Black Panther and Boring Wanker for the delicious meal, and to everyone who volunteered their time to make it a successful day.
Hash Notes:
- Hash Crash (gravity challenged hashers): Anal Compulsion was taken down by a rogue palm frond but she put up a good fight! Twinkle Dick was bewitched by Moutain Flower’s butt while running trail … and paid for it. Goosey Goosey Gobbler and Khlong Dump also ended up in the dirt – all a part of hashing!
- Hares on the Ice! Herring Chocker, Ping Pong, and Arseaholic set an awesome trail. There were tons of hills, lots of tripping hazards, and just the right amount of back checks to make it a challenging and enjoyable run.
- Lucky Bastards:
- Snake Bite – Tin of Cookies
- Special Mug – Just Steve
- Clan Fraser – Twinkle Dick
- Sang Som – Hot Hope
- Hash Bag – Happy Survivor
- Hash Shirt – Keep the Change
- Brandy – Anal Compulsion
- Compression Socks – Many Drinks
- Returners who need to get a life! Samba La Bamba and Turn Me Over returned to the Jungle after a long hiatus to receive their 25 run patch.
- Get a life ….. part 2! The following hashers got a patch for having between 10-17 runs. In the future, we’ll award patches on Run #10. Black Panther, Mountain Flower, Boring Wanker, Dragon Fly
- Lost Property –Â Barnacle Bollocks literally lost his shirt after the trail. The GM was happy to have him sit on the ice in order to retrieve it.
- Welcome back! This is Goosey Goosey Gobbler’s first time back to the Jungle since COVID – glad to have you back!
- Those who wander …… Just Rose and Dragonfly explored the trail far and wide … and even wider as they went off trail and on trail and off again. We were happy to see them return, abeit a little exaughsted, just before dark so we could ice them for their wanderings.
- First time in a long time! We were happy to welcome back loooooooooong returners: Sperm Bank, Sexy Moutain, Goblin’ King, Sodomizer, and Mai Mao.Â
- Hashers with a Running Problem:Â Slime Ball and Shit on My Chest just ran a 50km race. One of them (you can guess who) has already signed up for an 80km race!
- Thank you Mountain Flower for your friendship to the hash. The Jungle got her a special Teachers Lounge hash shirt – limited addition – to honor her efforts even though the bar is no more. We appreciate you.
- Bangkok Hashers Unite! Khlong Dump, Snake Bite, Pat Pom, Drinkslikeagirl, Anal Compulsion, and Hot ChiliÂ
- Heartwarming Hashing Moment: Herring Chocker, unsurprisingly, called in Seal Sucker into the bucket. As Seal Sucker sat grumbling about how he hadn’t done anything to be in the bucket the GM asked why Herring Chocker had called him in. Herring Chocker replied, “Because he’s my best friend”.
The next hash is January 4 (Cannonball and Panzer). Please check the website ( for upcoming events. Remember – you can click on the pictures to go to the Google Map of that hash!